
Profil du projet

Titre du projet :
Lovely Library/Belle bibliothèque!
Initiative :
Projets d'action sociale Imagineaction
Nom de l’école :
Conseil scolaire / Administration scolaire des premières nations :
Commission scolaire du Littoral
Thèmes du projet :
  • Se lier [relations]
  • Se développer [santé et bienêtre]
  • Compatir [pauvreté]
Années d’études :
M, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Matières :
Anglais, Anglais langue seconde, Français, Français langue seconde
Ville :
Province / territoire :
Partenaires communautaires :
CLC - Netagamiou Community Learning Center. Contact name: Ana Osborne [email protected]
CRSBP Côte Nord (Biblio Côte Nord). Contact name: Chantal Hould
Bibliothécaire CSL. Contact name: Sylvie Perron
Municipalité de la Côte Nord et du Golfe Saint-Laurent. Contact name: Darleen Rowsell-Roberts

Lovely Library/Belle bibliothèque!

I am now holding a Book Club every Monday after school. Student participation has been good so far. Netagamiou is a bilingual school and our Book Club is therefore also a bilingual one. Students can come and read in the language of their choice. Being the FSL teacher, I believe that I am in an excellent position to strengthen the link between both sectors. I offer activities, snacks and reading. Students seem to be engaged and interested! However, our library is a room that is neither comfortable nor inviting at the moment. I am hoping that with a bit of funding and some hard work I could change that! I would like the library to become an inviting place where you immediately feel relaxed as you walk through the door.
Chevery is a small community, and the school library is therefore the one used by the whole community. Therefore, this project benefits the population as a whole. I saw a library project conducted in the community where I worked before, and was a witness to an amazing change; we went from barely ever using the library to classes and students using it daily and community members using it on a weekly basis. I would like to see the same thing happen with our library!

Mise à jour (19 juin 2018)

This year, we had a lot of fun activities taking place in the library!
The local Scouts troop came to the library in order to obtain their reading badge.
Angela Leuck, poet and author in residence held a public poetry reading in order to showcase the work she had been doing with the students and community members.
Through «Biblio Côte Nord», activities were held weekly and students had the chance to participate in a contest to win Smurfs comic books. Each book borrowed allowed them one more entry in the contest; two books were won in our school!
With «Avenir d'enfant», a Sleepy Time Story Hour was held with the 0 to 5 years old and their parents.
The Book Club held activities with secondary students: we played games like «find a book» in order to familiarize them with the Dewey decimal system, we made posters of our book pick to incite the younger ones to read, we reorganize the non biblio books to maximize library use and, of course, held reading time.
The money was used to order literacy board games and a few bean bags to make the library a more comfortable place to be.