
Project Profile

Project Title:
Think Pink
Imagineaction Social Action Projects
School Name:
Main River Academy
School board / First Nations school jurisdiction:
Western School District
Project Theme:
  • Connect [relationships]
Grade Level:
K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Subject Areas:
Guidance and Career Education, Health and Physical Education, Social Sciences and Humanities
Pollard's Point
Newfoundland and Labrador
Community Partners:
Allied Youth Post 1144

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Think Pink

The Allied Youth group at our school would like to plan a Pink day where we encourage all students and staff to show their support for treating all people with respect. The members of Allied youth would all wear the same type of pink shirt and during AY Week we would make school announcements and put up posters encouraging all students and staff to wear pink on a day we designate as " Pink Day" We would run a poster/colouring contest for students and give out pink shirts as prizes.

Update (March 4, 2014)

As of the end of January we have ordered the T-shirts for All Allied youth memebrs and the school staff and have plans made to have a school wide Pink Day. We will have an anti-bullying education session for students 4-12 prepared and delivered by the president and vice-president of Allied Youth. Every day there will be messages read over the intercom at morning and evening registration to remind students to think about the impact their actions can have on others. We will run a colouring contest in grades K-6 and a poem/poster contest in grades 7-12 and give gift certificates for Scholastic Book Orders for the prizes. We have applied for an additional grant from the Provincial Advisory Committee for Safe and Caring Schools to purchase pink T-shirts for all students in the entire school.

Update (March 4, 2014)

We held a Pink Day on February 26th and also announced the winners of our contests. The Bullying education session was well attended and the messages were read out each day for a week. There was a conversation in the entire school about how we treat each other and how we can make a difference. It is felt that there is a better atmosphere at the school and we will monitor behavior reports to the office to see if there is a reduction in the number of bullying incidents or reports of mistreatment by peers.