
Project Profile

Project Title:
Building Active Interest in Democracy via Student Video Blogs
Discover your Democracy
School Name:
Osgoode Township High School
School board / First Nations school jurisdiction:
Ottawa-Carleton District School Board
Project Theme:
  • Engage [active & participatory citizenship]
Grade Level:
Subject Areas:
Social Sciences and Humanities
Metcalfe Village
Community Partners:
Osgoode Township HS, Metcalfe Community (will be posted on our website).

Building Active Interest in Democracy via Student Video Blogs

Students will be asked to research a subject of interest in the field of Civics, government or democracy. Students will pose a question on civics engagment, government involvment and/or democracy and attempt to answer the question. Videos will be posted on youtube and students from the general community will be invited to provide feedback and commentary on the videos.

Update (February 15, 2013)

Our students had a blast and found the project very exciting.