
Project Profile

Project Title:
Mindfulness with Malas
Imagineaction Social Action Projects
School Name:
Black Gold Outreach School
School board / First Nations school jurisdiction:
Black Gold Regional Division No. 18
Project Theme:
  • Connect [relationships]
  • Thrive [health & wellness]
Grade Level:
10, 11, 12
Subject Areas:
Health and Physical Education, Social Sciences and Humanities
Community Partners:
Nisku-Leduc Rotary Club
Mr. George Lavertu

Mindfulness with Malas

Our school yoga project is in its second year. We would like to now add a meditation component and explore the historical use of mala beads as a tool for mindfulness. Similar devices have been used for generations in a variety of spiritual traditions. The beads are a tool to help as a tactile guide as one sits in silence. Meditation positively affects the brain and mood and practitioners report feeling relaxed, having better focused attention, and enhanced self-awareness. Just like each of the beads that are intimately connected to all the others through the string of the mala, the student is intimately connected to all other beings. This is the reminder of the malas: though individually we are special, together we are stronger. The students would then be taught how to make their own mala necklaces to use during yoga class and their home practice.

Update (June 7, 2018)

Our local meditation and mala building teacher came to our Outreach School to teach us how to select gemstones and construct the bracelets. She also taught us how to use the beads for day-to-day mindfulness and for meditation.

Update (June 18, 2018)

Our instructor taught us a guided meditation. We used the beads as a reminder to stay focused on our breath...21 breaths for two minutes equals one round of a 21 bead bracelet. Throughout the day, the bracelet reminds us to take a breath and soften the body, when the pressures of the day are building.