CJS Day of Caring / Journée d'amitié
The purpose of this student-led activity is to provide all 630 students from Collège Jeanne-Sauvé the opportunity to give back to the community in the form of volunteering. This will also allow for friendships and partnerships to be created within our community. Some examples of how the students hope to give back are by cleaning the forest and surrounding area, helping out Dakota House (reading, card games, etc), cleaning up the skate park, reading to elementary students, helping out at daycares, etc.
(May 31, 2018)
8:30 AM on May 24th marked the start of CJS Day of Caring. Over 100 students of the CJS Graduating Class of 2018 proudly gave back to their community by volunteering their time in a variety of ways at several locations within our local community and in greater Winnipeg.
Before departing to their volunteer experiences, students had the chance to hear from the Honourable Rochelle Squires, MLA for Riel and Mr. Henri Péloquin, Assistant Superintendent for the Louis Riel School Division who both brought greetings.
The future Grads of 2018 volunteered their time:
Assisting at local elementary schools École Varennes, École Marie-Anne-Gaboury, École George-McDowell, École St. Germain, and École Sage Creek School
Assisting at Dakota House, an assisted living facility
Helping at Winnipeg Harvest
Assisting at local childcare centres Beautiful Saviour Daycare and École St. Germain Daycare
Garbage collecting and beautifying neighbouring green spaces in the Dakota Forest, the United Church in Meadowood, and on the Collège Jeanne-Sauvé grounds
Following their experiences, students returned to Collège Jeanne-Sauvé and commemorated their volunteer experiences by filling out a blue heart that was displayed in the entrance of the school which spoke of their positive experiences of giving back to the community. A picnic lunch of pizza and water was then enjoyed by all.
Collège Jeanne-Sauvé would like to thank the following sponsors for their generous support:
Colleen Mayer, MLA for St Vital
Councillor Brian Mayes, Winnipeg City Councillor, St Vital Ward
Honourable Rochelle Squires, Minister of Sustainable Development, MLA for Riel
Healthy Schools Grant, Louis Riel School Division
Manitoba Association of Multi-Age Educators
Learning for a Sustainable Future, Eco League
Comité d’équité et de justice sociale, Les éducatrices et éducateurs francophones du Manitoba, Manitoba Teachers’ Society
Imagineaction, Canadian Teachers’ Federation
(June 19, 2018)
The students decorated the entrance with messages of volunteerism. This has inspired future grades to continue the tradition.